2016 Market Review (incl Q4) and Quarterly Model Portfolio Performance

It was a very good year. The small cap premium and value premium were potent in USA with Russell 2000 Value index up 31.7% vs Russell 2000 at 21.3%. In large cap the Russell 1000 Value Index was up 17.3% vs. Russell 1000 at 12.7%. S&P500 11.96%. Our models take advantage of these persistent and pervasive market behaviors by including them at slightly higher than  market cap weighting.MSCI Emerging Markets index up 14.9%. US REIT 6.7%. The rest of the world lagged with MSCI World exUSA Index +2.8%.Our most aggressive model, a mix of the above, assuming 1% advisory fee, +12.7% for 2016.Here's a link to the Market Review (30 pages) and our Model Summary (2 pages).