Highlighted Blog Post: Re-Discovering the 'Discovery Meeting'

Life is so fast paced! An individual or couple rarely have an uninterrupted 90 minute conversation about what’s most important to them and their FUTURE!

The Pandemic is presenting a rare opportunity for individuals and couples to take one very important step toward setting up their future. A quality meaningful conversation designed to bring out what is most important to you in life overall and what are your long term goals! Just 90 minutes and we’ll facilitate this meeting for you with no strings attached.

Let’s examine the O’Reilly Wealth Advisors “Discovery Meeting” and, YES, it works virtually. Click here to schedule the meeting.

The Discovery Meeting has 5 elements and is the perfect pre-work to starting a financial planning process. Just like if you want your journey to Europe or Asia to go well – you do some pre-work before actually packing your suitcases.

The 5 discovery meeting elements are 1) Your “Why” – your deeply held values. It’s first because it is most important. 2) Your tangible goals, 3) Where you are now financially, 4) Who is on your team now and 5) What attributes do you want in an expert. Total time is about 90 minutes and you “bring” your financial docs to the virtual meeting.

Mark Twain once quipped that the two greatest days in a person’s life is the day they are born and the day they figure out why.

Couples particularly find this meeting beneficial, if not inspiring, as they very likely have never had a conversation like this. This is NOT a presentation – it’s all about YOU – hopes, dreams, goals! In our next installment we cover Discovery Meeting deliverable #1 – discovering your why - click here..

The Mind Map created during the Discovery Meeting.