A blog post re-posted recently called “Discovering the Discovery Meeting” gave an overview of the Discovery meeting which we facilitate for individuals and couples almost daily. We love conducting this meeting. It’s inspiring for us to hear you describing what is most important to you and what inspires you!
Mark Twain once quipped that the two greatest days in a person’s life is the day they are born and the day they figure out why.
The is the first in a series of five blog posts on each of the five elements of the Discovery Meeting.
Before I get into a specific illustration on how we facilitate your values into your financial planning – your “why” – let me bring up the idea of “your why” to the person most attributed to the idea. Simon Sinek, a leader in how corporations can develop their corporate values to make their companies more successful and driven. At this link find an shortened 5 minute version of Simon Sinek’s famous TED talk “Start with Why”. Just as Mr. Sinek suggests corporations start with why – we also Start with Why in our Discovery Meeting Process.
Matthew Kelly said, “To make great choices, you must first become very clear about why you are making them.”
Is a financial goal of saving/investing $150,000 by 9/1/2031 meaningful? Sounds pretty bland, doesn’t it? Numbers, dates only.
We could give the goal a name. How about “Jill’s College Fund”. That’s better! Yes, better, still not truly inspiring.
What if a conversation that we facilitated for you led to you saying,
“God put me on earth to prepare my children to have a happy life, and a happy life happens when they know they are making a difference, that they can truly change the world for the better!”
Would knowing that meaningful value behind your “Jill’s College Fund” goal motivate you to work hard to achieve that goal? Of course! College sheepskin is very cool to earn, and a world-changer would benefit from possessing a college degree – but actually delivering a world-changing young adult, that God put you on earth to accomplish. and they change the world for the better – whoa – that’s a LEGACY! Next step Deliverable #2 - Your Tangible Goals - click here.
The Mind Map created during the Discovery Meeting.