Last week we covered Discovery Meeting Deliverable #2 - your tangible financial goals which you can read about here.
When we are scheduling your Discovery Meeting, we email you a list and ask you to gather your documents prior to the meeting. We don’t ask for perfection – gather what you can reasonably find before the meeting.
We may refer to your documents as we systematically and quickly establish your overall current financial status. To form a 30,000 foot view, we look at assets of all types (401k, brokerage, IRA, Roth IRA, real estate, businesses), all forms of insurance (including company benefits), income, estate planning docs, etc. Of course, if we end up working together, we will dive in deeper over time.
Since you need to organize your documents for a financial planner to help you – the Discovery meeting helps you get closer to that goal.
If we both agree to work together at the end of the Discovery meeting, then we will request to hold on to your documents for a few days and then return them to you.
The Mind Map created during the Discovery Meeting.