Surveys have shown that a very large portion of households make very important social security decisions at random.Make these decisions incorrectly and maybe you receive $750,000 over your lifetime. Make smarter decisions and maybe you receive $1,150,000 over your lifetime. (These numbers based on average situation.) We can run social security projection scenarios for you, so you can maximize your social security received. Even more importantly is to make the decisions in the context of an overall comprehensive plan - social security is just one element of your overall plan.Many people do not know that you receive 132% of your base monthly benefit by waiting to age 70 to receive it. And you lose 25% of your base benefit if you take it at age 62. However, don't always assume "age 70 is the answer". There may be times it makes to start earlier.Furthermore, once you've made the decision, your ship has sailed - too late to change. Actually you can change your mind within one year but you must write the government a check for the full amount received so far.A lot of people also don't know about the "spousal benefit". Once one spouse begins receiving social security and the other is of social security age but have deferred their personal benefit to age 70 - they can opt for the spousal benefit until they reach age 70 which is 50% of their spouse's amount. You don't get it if you don't ask! "Free" money!We would be happy to run your social security scenarios for you - just contact us.