Do you have an overall written financial plan in place, informed by experts, that is being actively implemented and monitored?
Do you have estate planning elements (Trust, Will, Health Care Directive etc.) in place that have been reviewed or created within the last 3 years?
Have you changed account titling and beneficiaries to match up to your Trust strategy? (This is often missed.) Do you have adequate cash reserves that take into account potential job loss, business income reduction and/or uneven business cash flow?
Are your long term investments properly diversified with transparent and reasonable fees?
If retired, do you have adequate cash reserves or income flows to project your portfolio during the next market downturn?
If a business owner, does your business enjoy diversified sources of revenue, with no one very large client?
Have you worked on your business such that it runs well enough for you to take off a month or two? Have all insurance policies been reviewed for fit and cost? (Note that this one item could be its own very long list.)
If a W2 wage earner, have you continued building your skill set and networked well so that you can pivot to another job fairly quickly if your company or industry is hit hard?
Is your industry susceptible to current long term trends.
Does your financial plan account for you/yours becoming disabled or dying?
Do you have a Family Disaster Plan and Personal Survival Guide completed for your family for natural and human caused disasters? (fires, earthquakes, etc.)
For the elderly – is there a similar disaster plan in place for your elderly loved ones that takes into account caretakers welfare and medicines?
Are all medicines and prescriptions organized and adequate refills in place.
Are the living arrangements safe and secure. Has every insurance policy been reviewed for cost effectiveness, appropriateness and fit to your current written financial plan and situation?
Does your overall financial plan get reviewed with experts at least once every six months?
Note – Regarding item # 9 – To start the process go to Disaster Preparedness Plan and Kit.