We are very excited to be offering HSA (health savings account) to individuals, families and groups through a partnership with Health Savings Administrators acting as the custodian and back office.HSA’s are a very powerful financial tool for individuals and families in today’s financial climate! However, many have not discovered and understood this great tool!Of course, as a registered investment advisor (RIA) who uses an evidence-based investing approach, your investment experience will be superior. Evidence-based investing funds and portfolios are available with our firm as the advisor on your HSA account. We offer this service to individuals or groups. Even if you have a suggested HSA provider at work, you can use us instead. Inside your HSA accounts, we will provide investment advice and invest all or some of your HSA assets. Our HSAs far exceed the service of banks and have lower fees than banks. Here are some highlights of HSA benefits:
- HSAs offer more tax benefits than any savings vehicle on the market. Contributions are tax deductible. Earnings and interest grow tax-free. Withdrawals for eligible medical expenses are tax-free, too.
- The money in your HSA rolls over year after year. It’s not use-it-or-lose-it, like flexible spending accounts (FSAs) or other medical savings plans.
- HSAs are individually owned. So if you leave your employer, retire, or move, your account—and all the money in it—stays with you.
- You get to select which HSA provider to use. You don’t have to go with the one your employer chooses if you don’t want to.
- If you do contribute through your employer, you can change your contribution amount as often as your employer allows, even without a qualifying event. Note: Employers are required to allow you to make changes at least quarterly.
- Your HSA dollars are always available to pay for eligible medical expenses—for you, your spouse, and your tax dependents, even if they’re on different health insurance plan, even if they’re not eligible to have their own HSA.
- Even if you become ineligible to contribute to your HSA, you can continue to pay medical expenses tax-free from the funds currently in your account.
- At age 65 you can use your HSA account as BOTH an HSA and an IRA. You continue to reimburse medical expenses tax-free and IRA withdrawal are taxed as ordinary income just like an IRA.
- You can reimburse yourself for eligible expenses later—even years down the road.
- You can invest your HSA funds. And since the funds roll over year-after-year, and you can postpone reimbursing yourself indefinitely, HSAs can grow to become sizeable nest eggs.
Contact us by phone or e-mail to get started!