Why did DFA win? First, DFA provides a greater tilt towards small and value. Another is that DFA uses techniques to overcome the large bid ask spread that exists for very small thinly traded stocks. Finally DFA also utilizes the profitability premium, which joins small and value as one of the pervasive market premiums available to investors.
The Survey that Needs to be Written and Read
2024 Q2 Quarterly Market & Portfolio Report
Investing & Politics - A Historical Perspective
Bottom line - there is no connection to investment performance and which party is in power. It’s natural for those engaged in current politics to be very concerned about the other side winning and being in power. The flames are fanned by both sides and the media. Our advice - try very hard to disconnect your investing decisions, and emotions from current news and politics. Use data like this to remind you of the FACTS.
3 Common Investing Mistakes
Many people start out managing their own investments. But as their earnings and assets grow, their financial needs and challenges become more complex—and continuing to go it alone could prove costly in terms of investing miscues. This article considers three common mistakes that can reduce returns and increase anxiety.
Uncertainty Is Underrated
You Can Do Better than Indexing
Stocks Can Still Go Up if the Government Shuts Down
You Know More about Investing than You Think You Do
Do Downturns Lead to Down Years?
Real-Time Ratings Are More Dynamic than Fitch’s
Fixed income credit ratings may assist investors in understanding the creditworthiness of different bond issuers. However, Fitch’s recent downgrade of the US government credit rating reinforces that NRSROs’ credit rating changes generally do not provide markets with new information. Rather, NRSROs’ rating changes seem to reflect information already incorporated in market prices.
History Book: Market Returns through a Century of Recessions
The Bumpy Road to the Market’s Long-Term Average
From Skynet to ChatGPT: AI and Its Investment Implications
The common thread among these examples is that each represents a tool that processes and organizes data to identify patterns and summarize information or make suggestions. This type of interaction with AI has grown to permeate our everyday lives. Have you noticed your phone offer an unsolicited ETA for your commute when you get in your car? Does your text app suggest grammar revisions based on the context of your overall message? Congrats—you’re an AI user, even if you’ve never opened a ChatGPT session.