The word “manage” in the title “Manage Your Destiny” was specifically used here - one cannot control their destiny.
I love the wisdom found in the short version of the Serenity Prayer. I hope you enjoy my take on the Serenity prayer and how its wisdom can lead to you managing your destiny.
“To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And the Wisdom to know the difference.”
Managing your destiny is very powerful for creating more Peace of Mind. I believe 100% Peace of Mind is unlikely, yet, we can develop MORE Peace of Mind which will greatly enhance our quality of life.
It’s easier said than done - because “news”, no matter the format, is hard to dismiss. The news spreads panic, fear, and distracts you from spending your time most wisely and productively. It can be intoxicating - in other words it’s toxic.
I’m authoring this advice readily admitting that I have to work at keeping my perspective like anyone else. No one is immune from the intoxicating news cycle.
Worried about your financial status in the current situation?
May I suggest the following? I’ll start with where we can help you, then move into other areas.
Personal Finance & Legal
Do you have a written financial goals and a financial plan to achieve them in place, updated twice annually, that forecasts a range of possible outcomes into the future? You should. Get it done and stay on top of it. (We can help.)
Do you have an estate plan in place and if it's not new, it’s been reviewed in the last 3 years? If not, get it done and stay on top of it. (We can help.)
Do you have action items due in your financial/estate plans mentioned above still undone? Then get them done. (We can help.)
Only work with professionals that treat the achievement of your goals with 100% respect including the willingness to encouragingly support you in getting your tasks done, that they cannot do for you.
Politics - No Matter your Political Stripes
Get involved or…
At minimum, exercise your right to vote at every opportunity and spend the necessary time researching each choice.
Getting involved is not for everyone. For those that do, there’s an amount of peace to be gained by getting involved - because if you’ve put some effort into it - you know your voice is being amplified.
You can rest easy knowing you did what you could.
Business - Are you a W2 wage earner?
Update your resume.
Look for opportunities to add/refresh important skills. Consider adding a degree or credential, but be sure it makes sense. We have many people with degrees and credentials from which they received little or no benefit.
Expand/refresh your network. You never know when you could need it suddenly!
Step back and think about where/how/when you experience job satisfaction. Consider a change to a job/industry where your job satisfaction would prosper.
Don’t be so tied to your current job that you fail to realize that it could go away at any time without warning.
Business - Are you a Business Owner?
Rethink/rewrite your marketing/business plan.
Revamp your sales team/processes.
Always be open to better tools and processes.
Make sure you’re focused equally on serving existing clients and growing the business; always seeking excellence in both areas.
Each morning be sure you have your tasks lined up in the right priority.
Are your business goals in sync with your values? Are you surrounding yourself with service providers and clients whose values align with yours?
Refresh your relationships. Do your loved ones know you love them unconditionally?
Remind them often!
Any relationships that are frayed - reach out and offer to reconcile.
Look for opportunities to sustain and nurture relationships.
Help others form new relationships that you can see would be a good fit.
Giving Back
There is a never ending supply of opportunities to give back.
Be careful not to say yes to every opportunity as your efforts may be watered down.
Pick good causes that have the most meaning to you - because if you do - your passion will shine through.
Even though it’s not the goal, you will get back far more than you will give.
Spiritual/Mental/Physical Health
A few ideas - and you should develop your own list in these areas and try to stick to behaviors that can/will become ingrained in your life.
No matter your approach to the Infinite - refresh your relationship.
Go to church, synagogue, temple. etc..
Ask for direction and guidance to align your efforts with God’s.
Get more sleep.
Exercise and diet - achieve a practical baseline and stick to it. Measure your progress.
Read more - and make it positive and energy building.
Silence and reflection is healthy.
The Markets
What? The markets are the last item? Well, yes, but unlike the other topics above - this is one of the items we cannot control. So it is out of place on this list.
Yes, remember: “Wisdom to know what is out of our control and what isn’t”. The Market is out of our control. We know its long term behavior within boundaries and that is all. Have a plan assembled by a fiduciary, stick to it. The plan done right should take into account the range of possible market behaviors and rebalancing should be a part of the plan.
The investment plan is based on diversification at all levels and low cost is key.
The investment plan is subservient to a written financial plan, written estate plan, not the other way around. Or another way to see it: Financial planning is not investing.
The financial plan and estate plan must be refreshed regularly - and new tasks assigned to you and the professionals serving you, All team members must get their tasks done reasonably promptly.