My "Inner Nerd" Loves When Data Shatters Preconceived Notions

Each time a month finished at a new S&P500 high - they looked at the S&P500 12 months later and found that 80.5% of the time, the S&P500 was higher not lower! When they looked at ALL the months across those 91 years - 74.7% of the time, 12 month later, the S&P500 was higher. Very close numbers, very slightly favoring higher markets when starting at a new high!

2016 Market Review (incl Q4) and Quarterly Model Portfolio Performance

It was a very good year. The small cap premium and value premium were potent in USA with Russell 2000 Value index up 31.7% vs Russell 2000 at 21.3%. In large cap the Russell 1000 Value Index was up 17.3% vs. Russell 1000 at 12.7%. S&P500 11.96%. Our models take advantage of these persistent and pervasive market behaviors by including them at slightly higher market weighting.

Prediction Season

In the coming weeks, investors are likely to be bombarded with predictions about what the future, and specifically the next year, may hold for their portfolios. When faced with recommendations of this sort, it would be wise to remember that investors are better served by sticking with a long-term plan rather than changing course in reaction to predictions and short-term calls.

Wow - New Market Highs & Unpeeling the 401k Onion

I think finding out about the different levels of compensation is like peeling an onion because there are just so many’s certainly taking a lot of work, a lot of hours, and a lot of legal bills to find out what levels of compensation are out there and what can be salvaged in meeting this rule.