Market & Model Portfolios as of March 31, 2018

The markets drew perhaps more attention than usual as they started off 2018 continuing the 2017 strong returns. Of course, markets rarely continue strong rises for long periods of time. So it was not too surprising that they stopped their rise in Q1 2018. In Q1, the model portfoilios were down from 1.3% to 1.6% with the more aggressive portfolios at the favorable end of that tight range.

2018 Fiduciary Education Webinars

O'Reilly Wealth Advisors offers Fiduciary Education Webinars as part of our alliance with Two West Advisors. These webinars are designed to help plan sponsors understand and comply with the strict legal obligations that apply to plan fiduciaries under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) as well as applicable state laws. These webinars are also pre-approved for one HRCI or SHRM recertification hour.

401(k): From possible to probable, from reasonable to competitive

So, let’s increase the level of 401(k) oversight beyond what is required! In our view plans should have “competitively low fees” (not just reasonable) and the plan should “make it probable” (not just possible) that an employee in the plan has a reasonable portfolio and therefore experiences solid growth. This can be done with no additional effort!