The first half of the year and the last 12 months since July 1, 2023, have delivered great market results. The same is true of our model portfolios.
Midyear Review: Stocks Maintain Momentum at Year’s Halfway Point
How long can the bull market endure, and which way will inflation, and interest rates, go? Will the surge for AI-associated companies continue? Will global hostilities in the Middle East and Ukraine ease or increase? Will the US election bring a big November stock swing? (Spoiler: It usually hasn’t.) We’ll find out eventually, by the time the answers are also incorporated in market prices. Until then, 2024—like every year—is a good one for having a long-term plan and sticking with it.
AI Tide May Lift All Boats
Eventually, we may reach a point where, like the internet, it’s hard to fathom a time before broad AI usage. That means investors don’t need a narrow sector fund or concentration in a handful of stocks to capture AI-fueled gains. A broadly diversified portfolio is likely to capture what many view as a sea change event in progress.
The Importance of Power of Attorney and Health Care Documents for Your Young Adult Children
According to Young Investors, Progress toward Goals Matters Most
What is the Probate Process in California?
Investing & Politics - A Historical Perspective
Bottom line - there is no connection to investment performance and which party is in power. It’s natural for those engaged in current politics to be very concerned about the other side winning and being in power. The flames are fanned by both sides and the media. Our advice - try very hard to disconnect your investing decisions, and emotions from current news and politics. Use data like this to remind you of the FACTS.