Markets tumbled and then rose quickly though as of 3/31/2020, they were still below the recent all time highs. By Q3 large caps (SP500) were setting new record highs.
Our processes take into consideration that people feel vulnerable as they consider financial planning and then courageously enter into that process and stick with it over time.
The impact of missing just a few of the market’s best days can be profound, as this look at a hypothetical investment in the stocks that make up the S&P 500 Index shows.
Work with an expert when dealing with Medicare, period. This article is a very well written education so you walk into their office with some knowledge,
By Dave Goetsch, Executive Producer, The Big Bang Theory “I was a mess nine years ago. Now, my outlook is totally different. The markets haven’t changed; they still go up and down. The difference is, I don’t anymore.”
Nothing earth-shattering in the last quarter. The bright spot was the S&P500, up 7.7%, as large growth stocks in USA led this quarter. Large growth USA stocks were up 9%.