Our mantra is to capture what the market has to offer and that means capturing every hundredth of a percent that we can.
A Week in the Life of the Market
Is There a Crystal Ball in Investing? No and Yes.
The "Elephant" that Morningstar's Latest Study Ignores
Lower Quarterly GDP & Subsequent Stock Market Moves
What about Emerging Markets down 14.6% in 2015?
New DOL Rule Just Issued April 6, 2016
How does a Friendly Financial Firm Compare to a Truly Caring Firm?
As I formed the business every decision was tested by asking, "Does this decision serve our future clients by maximizing the probability that they achieve their financial goals?" We gently hold you accountable to taking the actions necessary to get on a better path financially, even when that is uncomfortable for us.
What if it were legal to use insider information?
Companies make billions with this, don't they? Shouldn't they? They not only have insider information - that have "perfect insider information" - they're running the company for Pete's' sake! If anyone knows their future success, it's the executives running each company, right?,,,A recent article "Companies lose billions buying back their own stock" by AP Business Writer, Bernard Condon, demonstrates that even with perfect insider information, investors of their own company stock may lose big.
Excellent Reads on Timely Topics: Volatility, Oil and China - PLUS Q4 Market Update
Fidelity not Learning from Their 401k Mistakes?
Catholic Seniors Financial Session 2016
A Fun TV Advertisement that Makes an Important Point
An Active Manager Strikes Out
Larry Swedroe of BAM had an interesting encounter with an actively managed fund family Third Avenue that not only insisted that their firm's results were good - they insisted they were competitive against evidence-based investing. On top of that, one of their executives decided to denigrate the pioneering work of Dr. Eugene Fama, an economic Nobel Laureate prize winner.