Make sure you understand the HSA - and share this with EVERYONE. It can significantly enhance quality of life in retirement, as well as help you along the way to retirement!
Stocks have quietly been up the last 6 months. Who knew? They haven’t yet returned to the level of 1/1/2022 - but of course will return there and go on to new highs at a schedule that we can’t predict in advance.
Published numbers representing behavior of the USA behemoth economy have little if any relation to your everyday life. Keep your perspective and focus on the things you can control.
“Don’t focus on predicting what will happen, plan for what can happen,” Co-CEO and CIO Gerard O’Reilly said in a recent webcast. Rather than trying to predict what markets will do, investors should plan for a range of potential outcomes.
This issue created by legislation in the state of California accentuates this important advice: “Trying to do estate planning without proper legal advice is not advisable in any scenario and certainly not this one.”
The market was up almost 25% from 2020 through 2022.1 That includes last year’s 19% decline. Too often, people look only at year-by-year returns and don’t look at the total history of returns, which can be very informative.
Recent value returns paint a very different picture from returns just a few years ago. In a webcast, Co-CEO and CIO Gerard O'Reilly puts value's recent performance in context and underscores the importance of investor discipline.
People have memories. Markets don’t. And that’s a good thing. So as you start 2023, take a lesson from the market. Don’t begin this new year bogged down by what happened last year. Give yourself the opportunity to start fresh.
Though it varies from case to case, depending on the makeup of the trust assets, how all of the assets were vested and the type of revocable trust, it’s typical for a trust administration to take about a year or little longer.
Stocks had their worst year since 2008, and bond prices also fell as inflation reached a four-decade high. Value stocks served as bright spot, outperforming growth by the largest margin since 2000. Markets may have been down, but history suggests that’s no time to panic.