In two hypothetical situations investors finished thirty years of 401(k) saving and investing with $208,000 to $762,000 less than what they could have had by avoiding various types of mistakes.
The "Elephant" that Morningstar's Latest Study Ignores
Dreaming about the Future!
New DOL Rule Just Issued April 6, 2016
How does a Friendly Financial Firm Compare to a Truly Caring Firm?
As I formed the business every decision was tested by asking, "Does this decision serve our future clients by maximizing the probability that they achieve their financial goals?" We gently hold you accountable to taking the actions necessary to get on a better path financially, even when that is uncomfortable for us.
Catholic Seniors Financial Session 2016
A Fun TV Advertisement that Makes an Important Point
Spock's advice on Live Long and Prosper in the Market
10% Correction To Do List
The game Wall Street protects
Wall Street is a marketing machine - not a "great advice machine". They use fear and greed - the fear of losing money, the greed of making a killing - to sell, sell, sell. It's all smoke and mirrors - and the fundamental idea that supports it all is that "gurus" can predict with some regular degree of success.
Employ your Fear in your Family's Financial Planning
Exploding Retirement Income Myths
Watch out for "experts" - book review
Many individual investors have seen their portfolios devastated, despite having followed the advice of “experts.” They are left wondering, “What went wrong?”As you may have already guessed, the answer is that following the advice of “future tellers” disguised as investment pros is the wrong strategy. As Jim Cramer once famously said to Jon Stewart of The Daily Show, “I got a lot wrong.