Evidence Based Investing

A Transformed Investor’s View of Market Volatility

By Dave Goetsch, Executive Producer, The Big Bang Theory “I was a mess nine years ago. Now, my outlook is totally different. The markets haven’t changed; they still go up and down. The difference is, I don’t anymore.”

CALIF Rent Control Initiative - Politics, Economics, Financial Planning and Investing Intersect! Very bad for the state - EVERY ONE

So what's wrong with rent control? Many studies by Economic Academics have proven that rent control is a very bad idea! The list of unintended consequences is about a mile long!

HSAs! Great tool for financial success! We're pleased to offer HSAs!

We are very excited to be offering HSA (health savings account) to individuals, families and groups. HSA’s are a very powerful financial tool for individuals and families in today’s financial climate! However, many have not discovered and understood this great tool!

Market & Model Portfolios as of March 31, 2018

The markets drew perhaps more attention than usual as they started off 2018 continuing the 2017 strong returns. Of course, markets rarely continue strong rises for long periods of time. So it was not too surprising that they stopped their rise in Q1 2018. In Q1, the model portfoilios were down from 1.3% to 1.6% with the more aggressive portfolios at the favorable end of that tight range.